Sun Vegas
06:35 – 17:14
10 hours, 38 minutes
Covering Las Vegas, Henderson, Summerlin, North Las Vegas, and Boulder City, the Las Vegas Sun provides breaking news, in-depth analysis, video, and press releases from around the valley. Steve Marcus / Las Vegas Sun AirSmart Chief Pilot Chris Honea poses by a Pilatus PC-24 twin-engine jet at the North Las Vegas Airport Tuesday, Feb. AirSmart is an 'on demand' aviation. Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Las Vegas – Nevada – USA for December 2021. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for many cities, with daylight saving time and time zones taken in account.
Current Time: | 7 Feb 2021, 16:41:10 |
Sun Direction: | ↑ 247° West |
Sun Altitude: | 5.5° |
Sun Distance: | 147.568 million km |
Next Equinox: | 20 Mar 2021 02:37 (Vernal) |
Sunrise Today: | 06:35↑ 108° East |
Sunset Today: | 17:14↑ 252° West |
2021 Sun Graph for Las Vegas
Sun Vegas News
Sun Vegas Online Casino
February 2021 — Sun in Las Vegas
Scroll right to see more2021 | Sunrise/Sunset | Daylength | Astronomical Twilight | Nautical Twilight | Civil Twilight | Solar Noon | ||||||
Feb | Sunrise | Sunset | Length | Diff. | Start | End | Start | End | Start | End | Time | Mil. km |
1 | 06:41 ↑(110°) | 17:07 ↑(250°) | 10:26:36 | +1:50 | 05:13 | 18:35 | 05:43 | 18:05 | 06:14 | 17:34 | 11:54 (37.0°) | 147.416 |
2 | 06:40 ↑(110°) | 17:08 ↑(250°) | 10:28:28 | +1:52 | 05:12 | 18:36 | 05:42 | 18:06 | 06:13 | 17:35 | 11:54 (37.3°) | 147.439 |
3 | 06:39 ↑(110°) | 17:09 ↑(250°) | 10:30:22 | +1:53 | 05:11 | 18:37 | 05:42 | 18:07 | 06:12 | 17:36 | 11:54 (37.6°) | 147.462 |
4 | 06:38 ↑(109°) | 17:10 ↑(251°) | 10:32:17 | +1:55 | 05:11 | 18:38 | 05:41 | 18:08 | 06:11 | 17:37 | 11:54 (37.9°) | 147.486 |
5 | 06:37 ↑(109°) | 17:12 ↑(251°) | 10:34:14 | +1:56 | 05:10 | 18:39 | 05:40 | 18:09 | 06:11 | 17:38 | 11:54 (38.2°) | 147.511 |
6 | 06:36 ↑(109°) | 17:13 ↑(252°) | 10:36:11 | +1:57 | 05:09 | 18:40 | 05:39 | 18:10 | 06:10 | 17:39 | 11:54 (38.5°) | 147.536 |
7 | 06:35 ↑(108°) | 17:14 ↑(252°) | 10:38:10 | +1:59 | 05:08 | 18:41 | 05:38 | 18:11 | 06:09 | 17:40 | 11:54 (38.8°) | 147.562 |
8 | 06:34 ↑(108°) | 17:15 ↑(252°) | 10:40:11 | +2:00 | 05:08 | 18:42 | 05:38 | 18:12 | 06:08 | 17:41 | 11:54 (39.2°) | 147.588 |
9 | 06:33 ↑(107°) | 17:16 ↑(253°) | 10:42:12 | +2:01 | 05:07 | 18:43 | 05:37 | 18:13 | 06:07 | 17:42 | 11:54 (39.5°) | 147.615 |
10 | 06:32 ↑(107°) | 17:17 ↑(253°) | 10:44:14 | +2:02 | 05:06 | 18:43 | 05:36 | 18:13 | 06:06 | 17:43 | 11:54 (39.8°) | 147.642 |
11 | 06:31 ↑(107°) | 17:18 ↑(254°) | 10:46:18 | +2:03 | 05:05 | 18:44 | 05:35 | 18:14 | 06:05 | 17:44 | 11:54 (40.1°) | 147.670 |
12 | 06:30 ↑(106°) | 17:19 ↑(254°) | 10:48:22 | +2:04 | 05:04 | 18:45 | 05:34 | 18:15 | 06:04 | 17:45 | 11:54 (40.5°) | 147.698 |
13 | 06:29 ↑(106°) | 17:20 ↑(254°) | 10:50:27 | +2:05 | 05:03 | 18:46 | 05:33 | 18:16 | 06:03 | 17:46 | 11:54 (40.8°) | 147.726 |
14 | 06:28 ↑(105°) | 17:21 ↑(255°) | 10:52:34 | +2:06 | 05:02 | 18:47 | 05:32 | 18:17 | 06:02 | 17:47 | 11:54 (41.1°) | 147.755 |
15 | 06:27 ↑(105°) | 17:22 ↑(255°) | 10:54:41 | +2:07 | 05:01 | 18:48 | 05:31 | 18:18 | 06:01 | 17:48 | 11:54 (41.5°) | 147.784 |
16 | 06:26 ↑(104°) | 17:23 ↑(256°) | 10:56:49 | +2:07 | 05:00 | 18:49 | 05:30 | 18:19 | 06:00 | 17:49 | 11:54 (41.8°) | 147.813 |
17 | 06:25 ↑(104°) | 17:24 ↑(256°) | 10:58:57 | +2:08 | 04:59 | 18:50 | 05:29 | 18:20 | 05:59 | 17:50 | 11:54 (42.2°) | 147.843 |
18 | 06:24 ↑(104°) | 17:25 ↑(257°) | 11:01:07 | +2:09 | 04:58 | 18:51 | 05:28 | 18:21 | 05:58 | 17:51 | 11:54 (42.5°) | 147.874 |
19 | 06:23 ↑(103°) | 17:26 ↑(257°) | 11:03:17 | +2:10 | 04:57 | 18:52 | 05:27 | 18:22 | 05:56 | 17:52 | 11:54 (42.9°) | 147.905 |
20 | 06:21 ↑(103°) | 17:27 ↑(258°) | 11:05:28 | +2:10 | 04:56 | 18:53 | 05:25 | 18:23 | 05:55 | 17:53 | 11:54 (43.3°) | 147.936 |
21 | 06:20 ↑(102°) | 17:28 ↑(258°) | 11:07:39 | +2:11 | 04:55 | 18:53 | 05:24 | 18:24 | 05:54 | 17:54 | 11:54 (43.6°) | 147.968 |
22 | 06:19 ↑(102°) | 17:29 ↑(258°) | 11:09:51 | +2:11 | 04:53 | 18:54 | 05:23 | 18:25 | 05:53 | 17:55 | 11:54 (44.0°) | 148.000 |
23 | 06:18 ↑(101°) | 17:30 ↑(259°) | 11:12:04 | +2:12 | 04:52 | 18:55 | 05:22 | 18:26 | 05:52 | 17:56 | 11:53 (44.4°) | 148.033 |
24 | 06:16 ↑(101°) | 17:31 ↑(259°) | 11:14:17 | +2:13 | 04:51 | 18:56 | 05:21 | 18:26 | 05:51 | 17:57 | 11:53 (44.7°) | 148.067 |
25 | 06:15 ↑(100°) | 17:32 ↑(260°) | 11:16:30 | +2:13 | 04:50 | 18:57 | 05:19 | 18:27 | 05:49 | 17:57 | 11:53 (45.1°) | 148.101 |
26 | 06:14 ↑(100°) | 17:33 ↑(260°) | 11:18:44 | +2:14 | 04:49 | 18:58 | 05:18 | 18:28 | 05:48 | 17:58 | 11:53 (45.5°) | 148.136 |
27 | 06:13 ↑(99°) | 17:34 ↑(261°) | 11:20:59 | +2:14 | 04:47 | 18:59 | 05:17 | 18:29 | 05:47 | 17:59 | 11:53 (45.8°) | 148.172 |
28 | 06:11 ↑(99°) | 17:34 ↑(261°) | 11:23:14 | +2:14 | 04:46 | 19:00 | 05:16 | 18:30 | 05:45 | 18:00 | 11:53 (46.2°) | 148.208 |
* All times are local time for Las Vegas. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Today is highlighted. |

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